Friday, October 10, 2008

Single does not equal Miserable!

If all my favorite people have one of these, then I'm going to have one too!! : ) I don't know how much time I will have to do this, but it looks like fun - SO, here it goes! I am an Official Blogger now. And in case anyone is wondering about the title, I wanted to point out that although I definitely want very much to have my own home, husband, and family some day, I am also very happy and fulfilled being single. So, that's why I chose this title. I am VERY blessed with a wonderful family, good job, and many interests that keep me constantly busy trying to figure out how to squeeze it all in!!! So, I am blessed - with singleness, and with so many other things. Thank you, Lord!


busymomof10 said...

I love your blog and I love you!! I'm so blessed to have a daughter like you!! I'm also glad that you are content being single and just enjoying this season of life, for you know how quickly the seasons pass!!

Christie said...

Welcome to the "blogosphere"! Isn't it amazing how God is sovereign over EVERY stage and EVERY aspect of life? I'm encouraged to hear that you're trusting and resting in God in this "stage" of your life, and I pray that God will use it mightily to prepare you for all the other "stages" that will come!